Who’s tracking the tracker?

So you've got this awesome CRM that’s fantastic at keeping track of your people.

Yay for that!

But what's keeping track of your CRM?

I mean, your people are changing all the time. Getting more involved. Making donations. Attending events. All of that.

And it's great to have a system that keeps that all straight for you, right?

But your CRM is changing all the time too. New configurations. New features. New custom fields. New permissions and rules and users.

Who's keeping track of that?

Well, hopefully you are. That's where your internal documentation comes in. That's where your in-house expert comes in.

Because as things change, keeping track is important.

You're doing it for your constituent data. Isn’t it worth doing for your CRM configs as well?

All the best,


Constraints vs. preferences


Who makes CiviCRM great?