Constraints vs. preferences

Every project or program you undertake will, naturally face some contraints.

Time and money are the big ones, though they’re not the only ones.

But not every limitation is a constraint. Many of them are just preferences.

What's the difference?

A constraint is non-negotiable. It's a deal-breaker. If it can't be accommodated, the project is not worth doing.

Everything else is a preference. Everything.

That’s not to say you should disregard your preferences. On the contrary, it’s wise to recognize them, call them what they are, and assign some value (or priority) to them.

You don’t have to ignore your hopes for the project merely because they’re “just preferences.”

But distinguishing them from real constraints will save you some agony when it’s time to make hard decisions — and that time is sure to arrive, sooner or later.

All the best,


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