You might have to swim the river
Having a good map is important when you’re navigating unfamiliar territory, but even that isn’t as good as the experience of someone who's been there.
Imagine that your map shows two routes to your destination.
One of them looks far shorter than the other.
An experienced guide can tell you, "Yeah, we’ve had some heavy rains, and that bridge might be washed out. If we go the short way, we might have to swim the river."
Sure, there could be many good reasons to take the short route anyway. But it's nice to know what you're letting yourself in for.
Here's the thing:
There's almost always more than one way to do something in CiviCRM.
New extensions and core features are popping up all the time that offer wonderful possibilities.
And the challenges of those new options are not always obvious.
It never hurts to reach out to your coach or advisor for some preliminary giudance.
It helps to know ahead of time if you might have to swim the river.
All the best,