Simplicity is sophistication
You can build really complex workflows, reports, segmentation, and tracking in your open-source CRM.
The tools are there. It's awesome. It's a ton of fun.
But are you going to use them? Once you’ve built them, will you be able to recall in your own mind at any given moment how they work and what they mean?
If you're not really going to make use of them, where’s the value in building them at all?
Here’s the thing:
A simple system that you know well, understand fully, and use frequently will generally have more business value than a complex system that you rarely (or never) use.
Keep it simple, if you can.
And when you decide to go for something more complex, make sure you know why.
All the best,
P.S. The aphorism “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication” is often attributed to Leonardo da Vinci, but that’s probably not quite right.