Starting over
The restaurant across the street caught fire a few months ago. This week they reopened, better than ever.
Your organization is going to hit some surprising difficulties sooner or later. You don't know what it's going to be, but you can bet it will happen.
When it does, you may be able to patch things up and move forward. But sometimes you have to tear the whole thing down and start over.
Maybe that means replacing your entire board and rebranding under a new name. (I know some organizations that have done it — successfully.)
Maybe it just means canceling one event or discontinuing a long-running program.
Or it might mean admitting that your current feature set is inadequate, and investing in something that really meets your needs.
Here's the thing:
Most problems don't just go away on their own.
As with your health, your relationships, and everything else, the longer you wait to solve a business problem, the harder it gets.
Sometimes the best way forward is to take a step back and reassess.
All the best,