Training vs coaching: outcomes
Training and coaching are great options when you're ready to increase your success with CiviCRM.
The differences between the two can appear subtle at first, but there are a few important differences.
The most important, in my view, is their focus on outcomes. Here’s an example:
If I want to learn how to box I need training.
Training will expose me to the facts and fundamentals that I need to participate.
Training will give me an opportunity to focus on developing my own skills.
In addition to training, if I want to be a great boxer, I need coaching.
Coaching will take into account my goals, such as winning more matches, or staying motivated and focused on the right priorities for an upcoming match.
Coaching will help me to keep the right mindset through a match, or through my career.
Coaching will help me break through when I'm feeling stuck, by identifying and addressing specific gaps in my understanding that I may not even realize.
in short: Training doesn't care about my outcomes and goals. Coaching does.
This is true for any field. In sports, in technical skills, in business, even in interpersonal relationships.
Here's the thing:
We all need training to get a grip on new skills.
And when we really want to level up our game, and stay on track to achieve specific goals and outcomes, good coaching is a way to make that happen.
There are other important differences. I'll unpack some of those in a future email.
All the best,